User learn how to use a software because of efficiently work.
User don't concern how software work. They want to complete their work with minimum effort or less time consuming. So the software must learn-ability, efficiency, memorability, error recover, and satisfaction.
In the first use, the software too strange it make use shock. They don't know how to use the software to complete their work. They start to learn and use that software. They do it step by step and have experience day by day. Hence, they use to do set of that steps to complete the same work without brain storm. They have experience in use the kind of software or type of platform which software run on cause design standards.
The latest version of a applications had release years still own a lot of problem because of 3 reasons.
- HCI (Humman Computer Interaction) and Human Factor Interface don't grow enough.
- Developer don't follow any design standards.
- Developer don't understand user and user experience too.
Evidently example, on the Window Operation System user must Shut Down their computer they must click Start button.
Because user need complete there work with minimum time and minimum effort. So, the software is upgrade user willing study using software. Their experience is changed this way.
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